Breakout (2025)


Breakout  (2025)
 IMDB Rating:

6.5/10 from 1,000 votes

  Original Name:


Mystery Thriller

 Starring by:

Balagam Anand Chakrapani Kireeti Damaraju Raja Goutham

 Directed by:

Subbu Cherukuri







 Story Plot: Maniratnam who is an Aspiring filmmaker Suffers from monophobia,he come out to hyderabad for a narration meet,when he fails to meet up hero considering it was his bad day he tries to call up his friend for flat keys,unfortunately his friend will be out of town. when he was thinking on where to stay till his friend arrives, he will be offered shelter by a person called raju who works as a mechanic in the area. Maniratnam with no other options left for him accepts Rajus invitation and goes to his garage, what happens to Maniratnam when he moves to garage is the plot of the story.
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